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This section contains a complete list of all pdfs available on this website.


Download a complete June 2007 product list here...

Motorhome and Caravan Guides
Caravan Kit Installation Instructions (pdf - 165kb)
How Do I Disconnect my SKY Digital (pdf - 32kb)
Portable Dish Mount details (pdf - 79kb)

Dish Data and Specs
Assembly Guide for Fortecstar 1.8m Dish (pdf - ???kb)
Assembly Guide for Fortecstar 2.4m Dish (pdf - ???kb)
Assembly Guide for Atlanta Digital 1m Dish (pdf - 34kb)

Dish Specs for 65cm Fortecstar Satellite Dish (pdf - 44kb)
Dish Specs for 1.8m Fortecstar Satellite Dish (pdf - 54kb)
Dish Specs for 2.4m Fortecstar Satellite Dish (pdf - 53kb)
Fortecstar Ground Mount Details (pdf - 54kb)

Moteck Dish Mover e-brochure (pdf - 92kb)

Ku Band Dish - Do It Yourself (DIY) Guides
DIY Installation Guide in brief (pdf - 62kb)
DIY Installation Guide for Ku Band Dish (pdf - 213kb)
DIY Install Guide for Dish Mover SG2100 (pdf - 102kb)

C Band Dish - Do It Yourself (DIY) Guides

DIY Installation Guide for C Band Ground Mounted Dish (pdf - 568kb)
DIY Installation Guide for C Band Polar Mount Dish & Actuator (pdf - ??kb)
3m Mesh Polar Mount Dish & Actuator Photos (web page)
C Band LNB Focal Length & Skew Settings (pdf - 393kb)
DIY Connection Guide for TF5000CIP & Linear Actuator (pdf - 75kb)
Dish Positioner SAP-2000 user guide (pdf - 4.67 mb)

Other Do It Yourself (DIY) Guides
How to connect 2 receivers into your home TV system (pdf - 37kb)
How to have 3 receivers use 2 dishes (pdf - 48kb)
How to have 3 Ku LNBs or dishes and 1 C band dish on 3 receivers (pdf - 79kb)
How to install a two LNB multi switch (pdf - 125kb)

Satellite Positions (DIY) Guides
Satellite Positions and Compass Settings for Auckland (pdf - 51.4kb)
Satellite Positions and Compass Settings for Hamilton (pdf - 52.2kb)
Satellite Positions and Compass Settings for Wellington (pdf - 51.4kb)
Satellite Positions and Compass Settings for Christchurch (pdf - 51.4kb)
Countrywide Alignment Guide for Optus B1 (pdf - 38kb)
Latitude and Longitude for NZ main cities (pdf - 46kb)

Satellite Meter Specs
SF95 satellite meter specs (pdf - 15kb)
SF95 satellite meter use guide (pdf - 62kb)
SF3000 sat meter use guide, BER & Carrier to Noise ratio (pdf - 52kb)

Do It Yourself (DIY) Fault Guides
Lines on TV screen - Poor Picture (pdf - 23.6kb)

Fortecstar Receiver Guides
Fortecstar Lifetime Ultra E-brochure (pdf - 87kb)
Pulsing fault on Lifetime Ultra (pdf - 23.2kb)
Old software to fix above fault Al7bar 2[1].31 Lifetime Ultra.zip
Uploading program Forecstar STB Updater v3.21.zip
Help the TVNZ Channels have gone on my Fortecstar receiver (pdf - 34kb)
Help_How do I do the Power Scan or Blind Search on my Fortecstar receiver (pdf - 33kb)

Topfield Receiver E-brochures
Topfield TF6000T (pdf - 317kb)
Topfield TF5000PVRt (pdf - 230kb)
Topfield TF4000Fi (pdf - 5.38mb)
Topfield TF6000F (pdf - 982kb)
Topfield TF6400IR (pdf - 1.09Mb)
Topfield TF3200IR (pdf - 888kb)
Topfield TF5000CI (pdf - 193kb)
Topfield TF5000CIP (pdf - 86kb)
Topfield TF4000PVR (pdf - 907kb)
Topfield TF5010PVR (pdf - 2mb)
Topfield TF6000PVR WLan (pdf - 417kb)
Topfield TF6000PVRe (pdf - 687kb)


Topfield Receiver Guides
The best place to download free up to date guides for Topfield receivers is the offical New Zealand Topfield website www.topfield-newzealand.co.nz

Topfield Windows Application Setup Software download on www.topfield-newzealand.co.nz
Topfield Windows Application Setup Software download on www.hooktech.co.nz

To download software for your Topfield receiver also visit

Topfield Receiver Reviews
Tele-satellite review of the TF5000PVR (pdf - 791kb)
What Video and Widescreen TV mag in Europe test report for TF5800PVR (pdf - 4.69mb)
What Satellite and DIGITAL TV mag in Europe test report for TF5800PVR (pdf - 3.78mb)
What satellite and DIGITAL TV mag in Europe chose TF4000Fe as Best Budget Satellite Receiver, TF5500PVR has achieved Best Satellite Media Server (pdf - 950kb)
The TF4000Fi and the TF5010PVR are the New Zealand version of these receivers.

Other Receiver Brochures
X2 receiver e-brochure (pdf - 330 kb)
Strong SRT-4652 e-brochure (pdf - 142 kb)
Strong SRT-3500 e-brochure (pdf - 137 kb)

LNB and LNB Switch Guides
What do the Local Oscillator frequencies on LNBs mean? (pdf - 45kb)
How to install a 2 LNB multi switch (pdf - 125kb)
Dual Local Oscillator C Band LNB (pdf - 73kb)
How to have 3 Ku LNBs or dishes and 1 C band dish on 3 receivers (pdf - 79kb)

Triple LNB PLate Guides
Triple Plate Assembly (pdf - 110kb)
Triple Plate Installation Guide (pdf - 76kb)

Multi LNB Data Sheets
Optus B1 and B3 on one cable simultaneously (pdf - 37kb)
How to receive Asiasat 2 and Asiasat 3S on one large dish (pdf - 75.9kb)


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